Wednesday 6 August 2008

President Bush Signs PEPFAR Reauthorization Bill

President Bush on Wednesday signed into law legislating (HR 5501) that reauthorizes the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief through 2013, the Washington Post reports (Eggen, Washington Post, 7/31).

The House last week approved the measure 303-115. The statute law allocates a total of $50 l AIDS prevention insurance continue to emphasize political orientation in the guise of political expedience" (CHANGE release, 7/30).

Wall Street Journal Examines Role of Generic Drugs in PEPFAR

In related word, the Wall Street Journal on Thursday examined how generic drugmakers, many of which are based in India, at present "dominate" PEPFAR. Generics accounted for 57% of the $131 gazillion the U.S. spent on PEPFAR in FY 2007, according to the Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator. Generics in 2005 accounted for 11% of PEPFAR's funding. In 2005, the U.S. had approved few generic drugs for PEPFAR, so "about of the money went to buy brand-name drugs that